Since 2005 we, and our, co-counsel Scott Johni, Phil Burlington, and Kent Whittemore, have been litigating a Class Action against Heritage Propane.Our client, Mr. Williams, entered into a contract with Peoples Gas in 1996. After 9 years… and 5 years after Peoples Gas had been merged into Heritage Propane… he received an invoice for Propane Tank Rent. He protested to Heritage Propane without success, and we filed suit that year.I am happy to announce that the Judge recently certified our Class Action.If we are successful on the merits of the case, it may mean that thousands of Florida former Peoples Gas customers who Heritage Propane began charging Propane Tank rent may be entitled to recover that money back, and they won’t continue to be charged tank rent.If you’d like to read and learn more, here is the link to our website, where you can read the Williams v Heritage Propane complaint, as well as the Court order Certifying the Class: Link